Starting university is a significant milestone in a student’s life, often accompanied by financial concerns. In Morocco, the government provides various scholarships to support students in their higher education journey, with Minhaty being one of the most sought-after. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how new university students can obtain Minhaty, outlining eligibility criteria, the application process, necessary documents, and tips for a successful application.

 What is Minhaty?

Minhaty is a government-funded scholarship program designed to assist Moroccan students in pursuing higher education by covering a portion of their educational expenses. The scholarship aims to alleviate financial burdens and promote academic success among students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for Minhaty, students must meet several eligibility requirements:

– Moroccan Citizenship: Applicants must be Moroccan nationals.

– High School Diploma: Applicants must have obtained a baccalaureate diploma (high school diploma) in the current academic year.

– Academic Performance: A good academic record is essential. The specific grade requirements can vary annually based on the number of applicants and available funds.

– Financial Need: Priority is given to students from low-income families. Applicants need to demonstrate financial need through supporting documentation.

Application Process

Applying for Minhaty involves several steps, which must be carefully followed to ensure a successful application.

1. Prepare Necessary Documents:

   – Identification Documents: A copy of the national identity card (CIN) and the baccalaureate diploma.

   – Family Situation: A recent family certificate (certificat de vie familiale) from the local authorities.

   – Income Documentation: Proof of family income, such as salary slips, tax declarations, or a certificate of indigence (certificat de pauvreté) for unemployed parents.

   – Academic Records: A copy of the high school transcript showing the baccalaureate results.

2. Online Application:

   – Visit the official Minhaty website (

   – Create an account or log in if you already have one.

   – Complete the online application form with accurate personal, academic, and family information.

   – Upload scanned copies of all required documents.

3. Submission and Verification:

   – After submitting the online application, print the confirmation receipt.

   – Submit the printed receipt along with original documents to the relevant regional education office (Académie Régionale d’Éducation et de Formation – AREF) for verification.

4. Follow Up:

   – Track your application status through the Minhaty website.

   – Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation.

5. Announcement of Results:

   – Successful applicants will be notified via the Minhaty website and through official communication from the education office.

   – Scholarship funds are typically disbursed in installments throughout the academic year.

Tips for a Successful Application

– Accuracy: Ensure all information provided is accurate and matches the supporting documents.

– Timeliness: Submit the application and documents within the stipulated deadlines to avoid disqualification.

– Completeness: Double-check that all required documents are included and properly scanned.

– Communication: Regularly check your email and the Minhaty website for updates or requests for additional information.

– Preparation: Start gathering necessary documents early to avoid last-minute hassles.

Obtaining the Minhaty scholarship can significantly ease the financial burden of university education for Moroccan students. By understanding the eligibility criteria, following the detailed application process, and adhering to the provided tips, new university students can increase their chances of securing this valuable financial aid. Pursuing higher education with the support of Minhaty allows students to focus more on their academic and personal growth, paving the way for a successful future.

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